Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Geo-routing Questions

Confidentiality and Emergency Response

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What is 988?

988 is the easy-to-remember number that allows anyone with emotional, mental health or substance use concerns to be immediately connected with a trained specialist who will listen without judgment. 988 is free, confidential and available 24/7. If you or someone you know is struggling, call or text 988 or live chat at

What is the difference between 988 vs. Colorado Crisis Services?

In Colorado, there is no wrong door for people to get support if and when they need it. Colorado Crisis Services and 988 are free emotional support lines available to the people of Colorado. 988 is available nationwide, while CCS is a statewide resource for Colorado.

How do I contact 988?

  • Call 988
  • Text 988
  • Chat online at
  • Walk-in at locations throughout Colorado

What can I expect when I reach out to 988?

  • You will be asked a few questions including asking you to provide your name and pronouns so they know how to refer to you, however you can choose to remain anonymous.
  • They will then provide you space to share your thoughts and listen to you.
  • They will provide immediate support and offer recommendations and connect you to further resources if needed.

What kinds of people are answering when I call or text?

Our trained specialists are specialized in crisis management and are trained to respond to varying situations. They are trained to help reduce the intensity of a situation for the person seeking help.

Are services free?

Call, text and chat services are free. Walk-in services are available regardless of one’s ability to pay. If an individual has private insurance, a co-payment and other out-of-pocket expenses may be required at the walk-in center depending on the plan coverage with your insurance provider.

Are there both tele-health and in-person options?

988 call, text and chat services are available wherever you are in the state or in the country. If you are in Colorado and would prefer in-person immediate support, we have various walk-in centers throughout the state. You can view the locations here.

Can I reach out on behalf of someone else?

Can I reach out on behalf of someone else? Yes! As a family member or friend of a person in crisis you may reach out to discuss the situation and find how they can get support for yourself and the person you’re concerned about.

What kind of things can 988 help me with?

Crisis looks and feels different for everyone – so if you find yourself in need of someone to talk to, we are here for you. Common topics people reach out about include depression, grief and loss, self-injury, suicidal thoughts, bullying, stress, parenting concerns, trauma, drug and alcohol use, relationship problems, family crisis, anxiety, domestic violence, being unhoused, disability, concerns for a friend or family member, recovery support, and resource questions.

How often can I use 988?

There is no limit to how often you can use our services. Reach out when you can’t stop doom scrolling, when you feel like your head is spinning in circles, when you just need someone to listen, when the intrusive thoughts just won’t stop. No matter what you’re going through, you can always turn to us.

Is the 988 service available to youth?

988 is available to all people of Colorado regardless of age.

Is 988 available in other languages for non-English speakers?

988 offers Spanish call, text, and chat services. When texting 988 in Spanish, you will be asked to type “Ayuda” to connect with a Spanish-speaking trained specialist. For people who speak other languages, call 988 and you will be provided translation in more than 240 additional languages through Language Line Solutions.

  • This is available 24/7 through voice calling only.
  • When calling 988, you or one of your friends or family can ask for an interpreter in English if you are able or you can say the name of the language you need.
  • You will then be connected with an interpreter.
  • The connection to an interpreter typically takes about 20 seconds.
  • Interpreters receive special training to provide this service over the phone and they follow a code of ethics related to confidentiality, accuracy, and impartiality.

What is the average response time for 988?

In Colorado, the average speed of answer for the 988 lifeline in FY24 was 15.2 seconds. This is faster than the national average response time (which was 36 seconds for June 2024). You can view our data dashboard here.

What are the specific educational requirements for trained specialists?

Current requirements are for each center in the network to develop their own training curriculum that incorporates the 988 Lifeline’s clinical requirements, meets their center and community’s specific local needs, and addresses the training requirements of their chosen accrediting body/bodies. These include making sure that the training program instructs trained care specialists to assess safety/risk in a way that aligns with 988 Lifeline Suicide Safety Assessment standards, and that centers train their care specialists to address all of the 988 Lifeline required policies related to working with callers, chatters, and texters.